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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture


We live in a system where people are subjected

to many and diverse pressures that generate high levels of stress,

ailments and internal conflicts.

Many times we are little aware of the present moment.

The routine leads us to automatisms that do not allow us to be and that,

finally, they drag us to imbalances and loss of harmony.

On other occasions, we do not take the time to feel and feel, to

reflect, to be thankful... We do not allow ourselves that pause... nor the

recognition for the effort, much less, acts of self-love and care.

And in that rush, we don't achieve sufficiency by losing ourselves in the

daily requirement. Therefore, a technique is needed that allows

integrate body, mind and spirit.

From an integral healing that addresses the physical sphere,

emotional, mental and spiritual, in tune, it is possible to restore the

balance. However, although the symptoms are taken into account; is

necessary to resort to the root to be able to integrate it, from the

consciousness, in full attention and with the tools that

help to understand it and exile it, definitively, from our


More than wondering why we have acted like this, attracting the

guilt, the question is to review what has led us to be and act

that way. By reviewing our family tree we can appreciate

if we are repeating patterns and heal lineage. It is usually childhood

stage where major conflicts and blockages occur; which will mark

our future personality and our emotional management. Is from

that recognition from where we can free ourselves from said

patterns, always from the compass of love.

Conflict resolution is a natural process carried out by our

own body, is inserted in our own biology. People

we are prepared to assume the mismatch and restore the

wellness. Now, we have to understand how all areas

are related being the same emotions, the biggest

affectations of our body and maximum responsible for the imbalance

of our energy field. In a process where so many

different factors and affectations we will not solve if we work in

a single scope; but a holistic approach is required week

a week.

The accompaniment is carried out through an absolutely

personalized designed exclusively for that person and with a

comprehensive approach to conflicts with a material, absolutely,


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Through a weekly form, areas that attend to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects will be worked on.

Different tools and dynamics will be given so that this path of healing is also one of great self-knowledge and inner growth.

Self-esteem and empowerment are enhanced so that the person does not generate dependency, thus promoting their autonomy.

Holistic accompaniments are ideal for opening cycles. They accompany us in duels and stage closures. They bring the tools to resolve inner conflicts. They allow us to improve our quality of life in harmony and from true well-being.

El acompañamiento se realiza a través de un trabajo absolutamente personalizado diseñado  a través de un abordaje integral de los conflictos con un material, absolutamente,

exclusivo. En dichos acompañamientos Premadhāma entrega una serie de conocimientos y herramientas que posibilitan a la persona tomar consciencia de sus creencias lmitantes, patrones de conductas reiticentes que impiden resultados diferentes, emociones que a punta ser recurrentes se han instalado en su vida y muchos aspectos más que acercan al autoconocimiento y a la sanación de heridas; mientras se siente sostenida en un espacio seguro, libre de 


juzgamiento. A través de una Bitácora se irán trabajando ámbitos que atienden en sintonía los aspectos físico, emocional, mental y espiritual otorgando

diferentes herramientas y dinámicas para que este camino de sanación sea también de gran autoconocimiento y crecimiento interior.

     "El autoconocimiento es el principio de toda sabiduria y la grandeza del ser".

​     Se potencia la autoestima y el empoderamiento de manera que la persona no genera dependencia fomentando así su autonomía y soberanía.

   Los acompañamientos holísticos son ideales para abrir y cerrar ciclos. Nos acompañan en duelos y cierres de etapas. Traen las herramientas para resolver conflictos interiores. Nos permiten mejorar nuestra calidad de vida en armonía, comprendernos, cuidarnos, mejorar nuestras perspectiva, evolucionar y ser parte activa de nuestro bienestar integral.


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