Sacred Feminine Awakening
A selection of the wonderful work of Eduardo Galeano, entitled "Mujeres":
-Forbidden to be a woman
-The right to bravery
Rescuing, together, the memory, the legacy and the feminine symbology.
This well-known tale shows a female fright with the power to assault and persecute unconscious parents and even whoever Nature, Mother of life, pleases.
"This story revolves around the river of life that became a river of death"- explains Clarissa Pinkola.
She is a poor and beautiful woman; but rich in spirit, which made it possible for her to reach heaven. However, he cannot enter without having previously found the soul of his children.
That is why "la Llorona" incessantly searches for her children in the polluted river; whose dirty and polluted waters do not allow you to see. In this way, he traces the bottom of the river with his long fingers...
Sanado la herida materna.
Una obra de Aura Medina de Wit, basada en sus testimonios y en las reflexiones del camino.
Un susurro esencial para exiliar creencias limitantes y encontrarnos con la potencia sanadora que nos conduce y posibilita limpiar "el espejo de nuestro linaje femenino y, así mismo cultivar al verdadero ser que somos.
"Tu tarea no es encontrar el amor sino sólo buscar y encontrar todas las barreras que has construído en contra de él".
Memoria, legado y simbología femenina.
Sociedades matrísticas. La Tribu de l@s Mosuo.
(Cuaderno investigativo dedicado a: "Asia ignota, de matrias y matriarcados".