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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture

Prenatal Yoga

He andoga is a holistic millennial experience that guides us in the different moments of

our life. Thus, at the time of gestation, prenatal Yoga accompanies us as afundamental tool to be able to live a conscious pregnancy. your practiceIt depends on the exact moment in which we are going through our gestation It is according to our physical requirements andemotional.

Our body is going to develop multiple changes that require movement and an understanding of the present moment. While the changes are being accepted, the andprenatal yoga enables us to awaken our maternal instinct andcreate emotional healthWithout a doubt, Yoga, during pregnancy, is a wonderful tool forself-knowledge andconnection with our baby, to travel a unique and unrepeatable journeyin which the woman experiences the miracle of being a manager of life.

It is a personalized experience where the woman feels accompanied, understood and supported while she develops her own intuition andis empowered asgiver of life

By practicing Prenatal Yoga, the woman dedicates conscious time to connectdeeply with her body, with the pregnancy and with her baby. A space is generatedrespectful to wake up andreconnect with your feminine wisdom, in this moment sospecial, without forgetting personal needs.

The careful practice of andpray during thepregnancy allows the woman to experience aembaconscious reason andfull. It is required ofan instructor trains to guide eachtrimester following the basic guidelines ofsecurity andharmonization. PremadhamPremaculture is characterized by managingan absolutely personalized practicein a feminine environmentmaternal.

In our program we design the practice of Prenatal Yoga from the first trimester where we address the connection with the adventure of pregnancy that we have just completed.start, so it is not necessary to have any experience. through the toolsIn yogic practices, women are invited, from the very beginning, to take control of themselves.gestation preparing it for the acceptance of the multiple changes that are going topresent, recognizing hormonal changes andcreating a powerful connection betweenmanager mom andyour baby.

Late in the second trimester we address practices dedicated to managing weightextra, to harmonize emotions andto strengthen balance andthe calm.Already in the final stretch, during the third quarter, we dedicated ourselves to preparing for themoment of delivery where the pregnant woman is empowered. The goal of thistrimester is to prepare, physically, emotionally, mentally andspiritually for childbirthgetting rid of fears andfalse myths.


We understand that he andoga is a holistic science; so we manage a practicespecialized for each pregnant woman. That is why, after a studypersonalized for each case, we generate a weekly practice totallyadapted andexclusively so that you can enjoy your pregnancy in full consciousness.The practice consists of promoting the different tools of andoga. Weeklywe will have a live meetingplanning according to the pregnant woman andathe week of gestation in which it is found. Such planning includes:


-Āsanas: postures suitable for pregnant womenthat involves movements adapted to theirphysical qualities andemotions of eachmoment. The Āsanas seek to stabilize,balance andrelease muscle tensioninherent to the changes that are going to take place,among many other advantages that we will see.

-Prāṇāyāmas: These are specialized conscious breathing exercises topregnant. Through the Prāṇāyāmas,we acquire awareness, respect for emotionpresent andfluency in the face of big changes thatexperiences the pregnant mother.

-Dhyāna: series of weekly personalized meditations focused on channeling emotions,come into harmony andconsciously connect with the gestation process whileCreate a deep bond with your baby.

Beneficios Yoga Prenatal.png

24 de Octubre

yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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