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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture

Deep study of the
"Bhagavad Gita"

"When the veil of illusion is parted and the eyes are allowed to see the truth, we realize that the eyes are not strong enough to resist its presence."
 Mahābhārata (Ādiparva)

This course, presented by the Premadham Premaculture Virtual School, is dedicated to the in-depth study of the  Bhagavadgītā, a sacred text considered one of the most important in the world.
The Bhagavad-Gita is a part of the fifth book of the Vedas, the Mahābhārata (the oldest epic of humanity), an exclusive corner within the great Temple of Vedic philosophy. The title could be translated as "Bhagavan's song" (He who possesses all opulences). For learned people, the Bhagavad-Gita contains the complete knowledge of Hindu wisdom and is considered as the perfect theistic science. Its objective as a sacred text is to be a beacon lit in the midst of the darkness of material existence, a conjunction of words to restore knowledge of the true purpose of life when human beings forget it. Actually, Bhagavadgītā is a timeless and universal text. A revealed song, which condenses in Sanskrit verses, the fullness of the most valuable transcendental knowledge to which the human being has been able to have access.


skande avanti-khande sri-vyasoktau -gita sugita kartavya kimanyaih sastra-vistaraihya svayam padma-nabhasya mukha-padmad vinihsrta


In the Skandapurāṇa, Śrīla Vyāsadeva  says:

 “Memorize and sweetly chant this Bhagavadgītā. What need is there to elaborate other scriptures? She has directly descended from the lotus mouth of Lord Padmanābha."

The Bhagavadgītā contains the essence of all literatures. Therefore, this verse presents the Bhagavadgītā as a sacred text that should be thoroughly studied. However, for For honest seekers, it is not easy to study the original texts without a guide that can accompany them and resolve their concerns. That is why Premadham Premacultura has created this course to read and study this great work, accepting itself as an instrument of knowledge (Pramāṇa) and making its study a sadhana   (spiritual practice). Welcome


The course is divided into three large modules that include the chapters of the Bhagavadgītā, according to its structure.

We will work with the edition: "Bhagavadgītā, as it is", commented by Śrīla Prabhupada. Those people who do not have the book, we will send it to you in pdf format, with all my love.

* Every week there will be a videoconference, group, via zoom, to cover chapter by chapter.
*Forochat of whatsapp for greater interrelation with l@s compañer@s and better follow-up.
*Private accompaniment, if necessary, by WhatsApp or e-mail.
*Structure file for each chapter with mention of the most important verses.
*Extra audiovisual material
*The Gita Mahatmya, ("The Glorification of the Gita) chapter by chapter.
*Suggested readings and bibliography available.
*Questionnaire, to solve, of each chapter and feedback from each one of them in the group class.






Chapter I: Arjunaviṣāda
Chapter II: Sāṅkhyayoga
Chapter III; karmayoga
Chapter IV: Jñānayoga
Chapter V: Sannyāsayoga


Chapter VI: Dhyānayoga
Chapter VII: Vijñānayoga
Chapter VIII: Tārakabrahmayoga
Chapter IX: Rājavidyārājaguhyayoga
Chapter X: Vibhūtiyoga
Chapter XI: Viśvarūpadarśayoga
Chapter XII: Bhaktiyoga

Chapter XIII: Prakṛtipuruṣavivekagayoga


Chapter XIV: Guṇatrayavibhāgayoga
Chapter XV: Puruṣottamayoga

Chapter XVI: Daivāsurasampadvibhāgayoga
Chapter XVII: Śraddhātrayavibhāgayoga
Chapter XVIII: Paramārthanirṇaya

Chapter 4: Transcendental Knowledge TEXT 42

"Therefore, the doubts that have arisen in your heart out of ignorance must be cut down by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, O Bharata, stand up and fight."



yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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