Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture
Welcome to the Course of Aspirants to Bhakti Yoga.
In search of self-realization, my dear friends, I first want to congratulate you because you have chosen this path, entering the mystical School of Vedānta, which has more than 5,000years of existence on earth.
Faced with the lack of hope in the world, Śrīla Prabhupada left as an answer to our afflicted hearts: Bhakti Yoga, an ancient spiritual heritage. Bhakti Yoga is knownas the “Yoga of devotion”. The path of Bhakti Yoga reveals love as a subtle perfumethat emanates from our essence.
Premadham Premaculture presents a course for "Aspirants to Bhakti Yoga" divided into fourmodules:
- Saṃbandha (theory)
- Abhideya (practice)
-Prajoya(na)(Conclusion based on personal experience, after a Saṃbandha and Abhideyacorrect)
Temples (Āśrama) seek to be spiritual shelters for humanity. This course isHe teaches from the Premadham Premacutura āśrama, located on the Pacific coast ofEcuador, in a virtual way to reach any soul in the world, without limitationsgeographical.
Bhakti Yoga is one of the 6 main branches of Yoga; which represents the path oflove, in full consciousness and in reconnection with the original Source of energy.Therefore, it is essential to recognize and experience the reconnection with our being and howinteracts with all living entities and with the All.
The essence of Bhakti Yoga allows us to let go of that reduced idea that we think we are in order to embrace the space of consciousness.
Without a doubt, love is the essential force that impels the entity to follow the path of the heart and integrate body, mind and spirit.
Bhakti Yoga begins with love for oneself as a spiritual being. Advance through love and compassion for other living entities. And finally, he gives himself completely and unreservedly to unconditional love.
This training has a virtual structure to treat and deepen Bhakti Yoga. It consists of a virtual weekly meeting, via zoom, to advance on this spiritual path.
In our meetings the topics will be addressed and material will be shared so that the person can review at home and internalize, in conscience, from a practical experiencestaff. Said experience based on sambhanda, will always have the support andaccompaniment of Premadham Premaculture.
The aspiring person requires motivation, perseverance, notebook, pen, disposition and dedication for the practices.
The course is designed for one module per month, that is, four months in total. Nevertheless,it will depend on the aspiring person to advance; so it is possible that the duration timevary.