Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture
"The Path of the Circle of Women"
“Morgana…raised the cup in her hands, seeing it shine like a great shining jewel, a ruby, a heart that was beating in her hands (…)
For a few moments, Morgana feels the power of the Goddess that fills her body and her soul. She holds the cup and speaks like the Goddess:
I am all things: virgin and mother and the giver of life and
death. Ignore me and you will be in great danger, you who invoke other names… know that I am One”.
Journey to Avalon. jean shinoda bolen
A circle of women is a call from the Sacred Femininity to become aware of her and thus be able to honor her. Women all over the world suffer from the same concerns: violence, exploitation, domination, competitiveness…That is why we are all connected to each other, surviving the same sick legacy of patriarchy. However, when we connect with each other, oxytocin arises, which leads us to maintain the bond by cultivating deep listening, care, and remembering the sacredness of life.
Our intention is to sow seeds of circles of women that will germinate where appropriate, expanding ourselves like a stone thrown into the pond. That wave generatedIt allows us to cultivate ancestral wisdom, recover our legacy, take root, preserve the Earth and connect with healing as a group.
In this way, through training and self-knowledge we will enter a journey of introspection interconnected with others. A unique experience of stopping, without haste, to reconnect with our being, in the company of other women; which allows us to nourish ourselves with a collective wisdom that provides strength and support.
This path is traveled in a spiral.
Dedicated to:
This training is dedicated and designed for all types of women. For those who feel that their awakening is coming. For those who start their path as Facilitators. For those who already have experience and want to broaden their horizons. For those who still doubt whether to dedicate energy to their comprehensive training. For those who need schedule flexibility. For those who want to put their hearts at the service of others...
This training is divided into eight modules that involve a weekly meeting with:
* Personalized accompaniment at all times
*Agenda, written, complete
*Explanatory infographics
*Access to the Women's Library
*Self-inquiry dynamics
*Personalized session via zoom
*Group dynamics
*Lunisolar Calendar
Module 1: Circle, sacred space
Module 2: Relationship and presence of the Facilitator
Module 3: First session of a circle
Module 4: The Altar
Module 5: Spiral Centering
Module 6: Sorority and Rotation
Module 7: Closing the Circle
Module 8: Summon the women
"The path leads us to have women's circles where love, trust and sorority are breathed"
Once registered, they will receive the detailed agenda with the specified resources and the lunisolar calendar
To obtain the certification, you must have completed all the modules and have presented all the dynamics. In addition, they must present the development of their own circle that they will design at each stage of the Training.
The certification is the footprint that you will allow to capture in your Círculo de mujeres path. It symbolizes the responsibility and commitment to contribute your gifts in the accompaniment of women, at a group level. Certify your ability to guide women's circles while consecrating yourself as a Facilitator at the service of the Circle.