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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture

"Essential Herbalist"

"Allow Nature to be your medicine"

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Plants for healing purposes is a legacy that reaches us, at least, from the Neolithic. Plants as food, medicine, poison and ornament have always been with us. Knowledge of the cultivation of medicinal plants, natural remedies, ointments, potions and concoctions have healed us since the dawn of time and , obviously, it continues with full validity. There are many courses that specialize us in a subject. Without
However, Premadham Premacultura, from its holistic vision and nourished by ancestral wisdom, understands that people must be rooted with Mother Earth; since from her they will receive the 
medicine. Therefore, the real herbs grow and know their
plants, pamper and care for them according to the phases of the Moon and knows when and how to ask the plant for medicine to bless it with 
the maximum active principle. The real herbater@s know how to store their plants, how are prepared and their different forms of application. They know the healing power of each of them and the lunar phase of
each preparation. He knows the exact moment and the ideal place of the 

All this wisdom is what we share throughout this journey.


Dedicated to:

This training and adventure is dedicated and designed for all people who feel the call of the earth and healing. For those who feel that their awakening is coming. For those who start their journey with their hands on the ground and potions, oils and concoctions in the house. For those who already have experience and want to broaden their horizons. For those who still doubt whether to dedicate energy to their comprehensive training. For those who need schedule flexibility. For those who want to put their hearts at the service of others...


La transmisión de la primera sabiduría. 


Entrega de la tercera sabiduría.


La alqumia de las tinturas madres. Una medicina amorosamente concentrada.

 Hierbas y cakras

Un encuentro fundamental dedicado al aspecto energético donde profundizar e integrar Mūlādhāra cakra.

Once registered, they will receive the detailed agenda with the specified resources and the lunisolar calendar

yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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