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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture


In Nature everything has a function, everything is recycled and put at the service of the rest to remain in an absolute balance. Our gaze, as human beings, must be directed to Mother Earth as the main educator. To be true human beings, we must be responsible, from the heart, for our own waste and not generate more burden on an already contaminated, suffocated and mistreated Planet. From the Premadham Premacultura virtual school we offer you a holistic workshop that will allow us to make a good compost, take care of it, amend it if it is
that some inconvenience arises in your fermentation process.
Many people believe that compost can only be generated in rural areas. Let's break limiting paradigms and put our grain of
sand. Welcome.

Workshop: The Art of Compost

This intensive workshop is divided into various topics that
allow us, step by step, to delve into the "Art of making compost".
In addition, we will learn to make a suitable compost bin for
both rural and urban sectors.
Participants will also be given the notebook:
"The art of Compost", belonging to the Essence Collection of the
premaculture; so that they always have a guide for
can consult at any time.


I- The lotus of Premaculture

II- Ancestral history of compost

III- Compost formation

IV- Materials and procedure

V- Types of compost

VI- Benefits

VII- Disadvantages and amendments of compost

VIII- The compost bin


The School has the purpose of motivating as many people as possible to
make compost, so we also have this course for
groups, communities, restaurant staff etc...
Our commitment is as much with Mother Earth as with all
people who want to be responsible for their waste. It is because of that
We provide everyone with personalized support
that allows them to solve their doubts in the practical process of their own compost.
For any concern, we are at your service.
You can see the follow-up of the creation of a compost bin in the following links:

It is interesting to go to the etymology of the words because it tells us
Where do they come from and who are their relatives? Thus we see that the root of the
The word human is the same as humble and humus. That is, from
humus derive the words human, humble, man... All of them
from the Indo-European root "dhghem" which means land, from
Earth. So we could say that making humus is an act of humility with
which no harm is done to any being: which makes us more
humans. We invite you to be more human@s and to create humanity.



After having completed the "Art of Compost" Workshop, the Premadham Premacultura School will issue a certificate that will be sent to you within ten days after the workshop closes.

"It contributes and enables the continuity of the cycle of life, because if there is no compost, there is no food. Keep your eco-consciousness awake."


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