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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture


"It is true that history is written by the victors; it is part of the loot, keeping the memory" .Eduardo Galeano

Memory, legacy and feminine symbology: "The entrance of the ancestors to the 20th century".

   The Guardians of memory, legacy and feminine symbology invite you, on Friday, January 27, to travel together the history traveled by our ancestors entering the first decade of the 20th century.



   A fabulous meeting with the explorers who, at a time when the system of the industrialized countries was sold under the proclamation of economic and military development consolidating the continental powers, knew how to leave us the traces of their steps, their feelings and their voices to inspire us.

   Between science, technology, inventions and terrible wars, our ancestors will be entrepreneurs, journalists, doctors, nurses, philosophers, ministers, aviators, anthropologists... It's time to meet them, recognize and treasure them.

   Este compartir es un amoroso regalo de la Abuela Camila Noguerol, quien como Guardiana de la Memoria, el legado y la simbología femenina, nos trajo a la luz a Jo Bonger.
Una ancestra, como de costumbre, muy poco conocida; pero que gracias a l@s "Guardian@s de la Memoria, el legado y la simbología femenina", rescatamos con amor.
Vamos reconstruyendo junt@s la verdadera historia de la humanidad sin sesgo ni velo.

   The history of humanity has been presented to us, absolutely skewed. That is to say, what we know today with history, are the historical accounts told, only, by men. And not by any man, but by the men of the winning sides. It is because of that
their subjective appreciation and desire for leadership, to say the least, has made the role of women in our own history invisible.


This situation makes it necessary to recreate the true social history, through the ethnographic, archaeological legacy and from ancient times through the lives of our forgotten ancestors. Only through this look can we understand our true legacy, our customs and rites.

On the other hand, matriarchies and matristic societies have been confused and relegated to legend. Their memory and their divinities have been buried for at least six thousand years and it is time to reconstruct history and dust off our feminine legacy. Of course, this does not mean imposing oneself but understanding and reconnecting with what belongs to us and makes us more complete.

Through this cycle of conferences and with the help of Facilitator Kundeśvarī devī, we will navigate through our historical memory, recovering the ancestral legacy that leads us to understand the origin of very deep wounds, still open today.

  Following the tradition of ancestral wisdom; which was transmitted orally, from one generation to another, Premadhāma presents this cycle of meetings where the voice of women will guide, once again, the steps of the others.

   Recover a collective heritage that also embraces our men from the gaze of the eternal feminine.
You are very welcome

    This path is traveled in a spiral. 

Dedicated to:

This Cycle of Conferences is dedicated and thought to
all kinds of women who wish to rebuild their true
history and recover his legacy. They find each other,
cordially, invited all our men.


This cycle of meetings normally takes place on the last Friday of each month with an independent theme that drives the history and memory of women.

This space is carried out through the Zoom videoconference platform, lasting approximately one hour and
Registered people have:


*Forum chat from where to be informed and accompanied by other Guardians.

*Access to videoconference through private link.

*Exclusive investigative notebook.

*Extra audiovisual material.

*Calendaror Lunisolar 2023.

*Access and participation, in private chat forum, where, to
through what is shared in the meeting we will be able to
embrace our own feelings and the memory of our ancestors. As we continue to learn and recognize our true history by honoring
our predecessors. Throughout three weeks, every Friday of Venus, we will be sharing additional material to be able to tune in with
the ancestors of each space and each time in giving birth to humanity.


Other meetings:

Todas las siguientes investigaciones que se encuentran disponibles en dossier pdf  Contáctanos       _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

I The dawn of the world:

1. Pilgrimage from the bottom of the cave

2 . The magic of women in the Neolithic

3 - The woman in the age of metals

II Classical world:

Four . Matrons, conflicts, philosophers and oracles

5 . Goddesses, priestesses, shamans and midwives

III The average age of the world:

6. The medieval female genocide: the Hunt de witches

7 . Druidesses. The Kingdom of the Goddess.


IV Role of women in ancestral cultures

8. The Mayan Woman

9. Women in the Inca civilization

10. Mapuche feminine essence

11. India with a woman's face

12.Unknown Asia, matrias and patriarchies

13. Femininity in Africa and female genital mutilation


14.The entry of women into the workplace

15. Women in the workplace. Between two wars.

16. Women's suffrage, female empowerment in the 19th century.

17. Voices, creative expression and women's literature in the 19th century

18. "The female body in the 19th century, in feminine"

19."History of Women in History"

20. "Our composer ancestors. A journey to rescue and honor women skilled in music composition from the Baroque to the 19th century."

twenty-one."Our ancestors composers of the XIX century"

22. "Tearing the Silence"

23. "Liberating ancestors of the XIX century

24. "The flight of the feather of the ancestors of the South of the Americas of the XIX century"

yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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