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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture


"Moon Altars"

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“The moon is enough to dispel the darkness of the night, which is not even

millions of stars can do

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

This virtual formation is a reunion from the feeling with the Moon, its phases and its energies. Acknowledging our cyclicality becomes a powerful self-awareness tool.

Our menstrual cycle corresponds to the lunar cycle. Thus, in each phase, the  Luna expresses a different energy that enables us, on the one hand, to understand each other and, on the other, to make the most of biorhythms to harmonize our lives.

Through our own experiences, in each phase, over six weeks, we will recognize how each lunar stage influences our lives.

The companions will obtain a lunar diary, the 2020 Lunisolar Calendar and a lunar diagram where they will observe how their cycle lives and how much they listen to it in their walk.

In this apprenticeship, you will provide yourself with that lunar wisdom that was denied or poorly given to us. Through this link we can practice different rituals that will help us heal, create, connect with Divinity and internalize. A whole journey of connection with the essence of the Moon.

You are very welcome.


The course is divided into six modules that involve a weekly meeting with:


* Personalized accompaniment at all times.

* Agenda, in complete writing together with the respective meditations or visualizations.


* Explanatory infographics.

*Download links

 * Professional feedback on the dynamics, week by week.


*Self-inquiry proposals, practices, tasks and readings.


* Weekly meetings via zoom.


*Asanas  and rituals for each phase.


*Diagram and Lunar Diary


*Lunisolar Calendar 


Module 1: Ancient wisdom


Module 2: Crescent moon. altars to create

Module 3: Full moon. Altars to connect with Divinity

Module 4: Waning. Altars to internalize

Module 5: Novilunio. Altars to heal.

Module 6: Final meeting

Ancestral wisdom is the balance between beauty and origin, which resolves

the problems of existence, restoring to being its original identity"

Once registered, they will receive the detailed agenda with the specified resources, the menstrual lunar calendar and the diary.

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"Ancestral wisdom is the balance between beauty and origin, which solves the problems of existence, restoring the being to its original identity"
    Ancestral learning is different from modern learning, wisdom being an integration of arts or disciplines that are related to each other, in order to give the person a direct experience that allows you to understand and practice your self-realization. Each culture, according to its worldview, offers arts and knowledge.
    The recognition we offer refers to the new direction of the heart. This certificate is really a tool to share ancestral knowledge from home to home, from town to town, without geographical limitations... weaving a network of will, love and care for humanity.
. In this way, we want all the participating people to use this material responsibly to be an example where, together with their personal work, they extend it from the heart wherever they go. May this tool be delivered to as many people as possible so that they have the opportunity to recognize and flow with biorhythms.

   At the end of the six modules, in the respective moons and as long as they have presented all the dynamics, they will make a presentation of the contents.

   Once the course has been approved and closed, they will receive the corresponding certification, issued by the Premadham Premacultura Virtual School in recognition of attendance or specialization in training Facilitator at Lunar Altars.

24 de Octubre

yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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