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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture

Training of facilitators for the "Sacred Feminine Awakening"

“I salute the God and Goddess: infinite parents of the world.

By his unlimited love the lover has become the beloved.

Because of Her, he exists. And She would not be without Him."


The nectar of self-awareness

This Premadham Premaculture Virtual School Instructor focuses on training facilitators to create their own circles of Sacred Feminine Awakening anywhere in the world, withthe purpose of accompanyingaother women in their awakening and in the reconnection with the Shakti.


The facilitators will be trained, walking their own path of healing and empowerment during twelve modules that cover the concrete tools to continue traveling, alongside other women in their own self-discovery and healing.

This 108-hour training provides the necessary channels for the flowering of feminine Wisdom through awakening and reconnection with divine feminine power.


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The course is divided into twelve modules that represent a monthly module where we will work in depth with each shakti and its tools.

The colleagues will have a personalized weekly videoconference, via zoom.

The Sacred Feminine Awakening Instructor includes:


*Private accompaniment at all times by WhatsApp.

* Agenda, in complete writing together with the respective meditations or visualizations.

*Explanatory infographics

*Suggested readings and bibliography available.

*Download links

*Self-inquiry proposals, practices and tasks.


*Guided meditation at each meeting.


*Feedback dynamics week by week.



   Siendo Maestra de Vida, Durgā Devī nos trae la máxima potencia y voluntad. Esta extraordinaria reconexión nos conduce a una verdadera autoestima desde donde nos reencontramos con nuestra fuerza interior y con la grandeza de la potencia femenina. En Navarātrī nos abrimos a recibir las bendiciones de la Diosa.

   Celebrando este auspicioso momento para la humanidad, estamos ante una oportunidad especial para:

* Aquellas personas que requieren abrir procesos o están abriendo procesos de sanación.

* las buscadoras espirituales.

*Quienes desean despertar o potenciar el Sagrado Femenino

*Aquellas motivadas a reconocer a la Diosa Durgā.

*Quienes se sienten bloqueadas o con grandes anhelos de emprender nuevos rumbos.

*Aquellas que perciben a la Diosa habitando en su interior.

*Todas las yoginīs.

Module 1:

Introduction to the Sacred Feminine Awakening.

-Durgā Devī: Warrior Goddess of protection and inner strength.


Module 2:

Consciousness levels.

-Lakṣmī Devī: Goddess of abundance and good fortune.


Module 3:

sacred feminism.

-Kālī Devī: Goddess of the revolution.


Module 4:

The living Yoginī.

- Pārvatī Devī: Goddess of the sacred conjugal union.


Module 5:

Revealing the mind Word and vibration.

- Sarasvatī Devī: Goddess who flows from the deep vision.


Module 6:

Perception of the external world as illusion.

- Sītā Devī: Goddess of devotion and mystical perception.


Module 7:

The great wisdom: letting go.

- Dhūmāvatī Devī: The old Goddess of disappointment and smoke.


Module 8:

Impulse of divine creative love.

- Rādhā Devī: Goddess of romantic longing.


Module 9:

The cosmic veil.

- Chinnamastā Devī: Goddess of the radical self-transcendental.


Module 10:

Amatory spirituality.

- Tripurasundarī Devī: Goddess of sacred sexuality.


Module 11:

Īśvarī and the phenomenal universe

- Bhuvaneśvari Devī: Goddess of infinite space.


Module 12:

Conversing with the Devī-s.

Synchronizing the Facilitators

24 de Octubre

yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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