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"Kamiavan is said to be a forest where all the soul's wishes are granted."

Kamiavan is a spiritual corner located on Little Corn Island, a small island in the Nicaraguan Caribbean. At Kamiavan we perform different services such as ecological accommodation where you can spend relaxing and healing vacations, a diving school, we organize retreats and private stays for groups of various themes, and we make and sell natural products. Likewise, we form women's circles, offer sauna sessions, meditations, laughter yoga sessions, numerological studies, web page development... and much more.

Below we share all these detailed activities with their corresponding contact links and more information. Everyone is welcome!


Derek's Place

Eco-lodge and dive center on beautiful Little Corn Island, Nicaragua.

Come relax, dive and disconnect from the world. We will wait for you!


Little Island Naturals

We make coconut oil and  natural and ecological products for the body and for the home.


Kamiavan Retreats

At Kamiavan retreats every day you will have the opportunity to live your life with an element of motivation while relaxing on a beautiful tropical island.


Other services of Kamiavan

-From Kamiavan we offer Personalized Studies of Evolutionary Numerology. This study is a valuable instrument of self-knowledge, which will help you to know yourself more, you will understand and recognize your weaknesses and strengths, as well as what is your mission and your life lesson. It will also reveal all the details about the vibration that has accompanied you since birth.

- In kamiavan we also offer the service de  creation and development of web pages;

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Kamiavan Women's Circle Online

Women's circles have become spirals of feminine energy, where oxytocin production increases at each meeting. A sacred and safe space conducted with the Śakti of Dāmodara Priyā devī dāsī

, We meet, we feed each other and we pamper ourselves once a month. The spiral is formed by women who connect from different parts of the planet. From different areas and life experiences that find a point in common, nurture the sororous essence of the planet

These sacred gatherings are done online and are totally free. The spiral expands and welcomes all women who want to be part of this enriching experience.

To sign up, send us an email using the button below.

Ah or!


Damodara Priyā devī dāsī

Damodar Priya, "Bridger of Worlds", was born in Barcelona, and for two decades she has put down roots on the island of Little Corn Island, in Nicaragua.

Life on the island re-connected her with Mother Earth, as well as giving her time for self-knowledge, personally training herself in ancestral and spiritual wisdom through a strong loving bond with the virtual School of Premadham Premaculture in Ecuador, where she has studied Bhakti Yoga, Sacred feminine Awakening and currently in a deep study of the Baghavad Gita. 

She is currently a Facilitator of the Sacred Feminine Awakening, creator of women's circles, certified in laughter yoga and knowledgeable about evolutionary numerology. It also produces different natural products that are born from the connection and deep respect for the planet.

Always creating, dancing and linking in a spiral!

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yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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