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Nahual House


Casa Nahual is the home of Nova Lopez Caballero and Rafael Bolaños,  is a space  located in the Baztan Valley (Valley of Witches and Silence), in Navarre, Spain. Casa Nahual is a place in space-time for the healing and restoration of vital and loving energy. It is open to all those beings who feel and wish inside to calm their minds, listen to their spirit and return home: Their Body and give themselves spaces of love, silence, forgiveness, self-care; moments of consciousness awakening. Welcome to our home!



A method that emphasizes the alignment  of the body and the precision in the asanas taking care of this  way to avoid injuries. The base   of this practice  are asanas and pranayama, breathing techniques. Encompassing within these the  eight petals of yoga. (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyajara, dharana, dyana, samadi)

Yoga classes are taught in groups or individually, and can be taught in person or by zoom.

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Modern techniques of therapeutic massages and energetic shamanic massages. The massage received by Nova becomes a journey inwards from the outermost layers of the body to the most subtle layers, a special geographical journey that makes us discover how human we are, for this it uses: Chua Ka Massage Techniques, _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Decontracting, relaxing, sedative technique, use of aromatherapy, work with herbal medicine, massage with hot stones  .



Pilates: it is a technique that unites the teachings  of the East and the West: Pilates, elements of Integral Yoga, Chinese and Taoist gymnastics, stretching, dance, relaxation, meditation.

Pilates classes are taught in groups or individually, and can be taught in person or by zoom.

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Shakti in Sanskrit translates as feminine energy, but also inner strength, courage, compassion, shakti is the primordial cosmic energy that encompasses all living things. It is creative, destructive, and transformative energy.

I wake up to the Great Shakti that lives in me, in my practice of asanas, pranayama, meditation, mantra chants, prayers, ritual of passage, dance, energetic tantric exercises, a beautiful conversation, a delicious meal, taking courage when I no longer We can with as much injustice as the great Mother Kali does, destroying the demons of the mind. Knowing and feeling Shakti in my body makes me go deep inside my consciousness and embrace myself, compassionately accept myself as I am and others are. Nature is compassionate, but it is also changeable. Goddess yoga teaches us to find a balance between the feminine and masculine energy that governs our body.

Classes: face-to-face or online.

Duration: one hour and 45 minutes.

Value: 55 euros per month 

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Curanderismo comes from the lineage of my maternal grandmothers and grandfathers. It is also based on massages with herbs, water element flowering baths, cleaning with candles, medicine with the fire element, wind with sahumation, cleaning with feathers; With the earth element, we work in a way that  en transfers what is affecting us at the moment and transfers it to the Earth element. Techniques based on the teachings of nahualism. Daydreams, dreams, energy cleansing and healing rituals



At home Nahual therapies are performed in Temazcal  every full moon or new moon. This is a very beautiful path since the medicine of the temazcal was for our ancestors what would be said  now a health center, the temazcal is entered to heal by returning to the origin that represents the uterus of our Mother Earth, transforming with grandfather fire, flowing with grandmother water, focusing with grandfather wind and being reborn from our mother Earth,  in this way we heal body, mind and spirit... everything falls short if  will try to explain what the medicine of the temazcal is, you have to experience it. You have to live a Temazcal



Healing especially with intuitive reiki.



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Born in Peru, yogini, medicine woman, sacred woman and healer, temazcalera woman. Nova presents herself as a yoga lover, an eternal practitioner, an eternal learner, an eternal seeker of herself. Dreamy dreamer, since almost all the steps and in which she refers to the great contribution on her path of awakening have been revealed through her dreams, and this is a gift of lineage from her grandmothers and grandfathers.

Nova Nahual is trained in Yoga Iyengar Yoga Method, Pilates, therapeutic Temazcal and the five elements, Reiki and is currently undergoing the formation of the Sacred Feminine Awakening of the Premadham School.

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yoga school
Opening February 20


  El yoga del corazón nos invita a una immersión en un espacio seguro y respetuoso desde donde abrazar autoconocimiento, autodescubrimietno, mirada interna y cultivo de la espiritualidad.

   "Tu visión se volverá más clara cuando mires              dentro de tu propio corazón.

          Quien mira hacia afuera sueña.

        Quien mira hacia dentro, despierta".

                             Carl Jung

   Bhakti yoga es un camino universal de reconducción del ego, de cocreación de una mente amiga y de la grandiosa perspectiva que puede ver la esencia.


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