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Virtual School Premadhāma Premaculture


These standards have been contemplated in order to create a space for

security, empathy and respect promoting self-care and healthy coexistence. To the

finish reading them, sign and return to the School administration as you have

been informed.

I- Registration:

To enroll in any of our activities you must make the deposit

and send the report toe-mailfrom the administrative department

( You can download the form below

registration to fill it out and send it together with this normative document

signed. At that time the registration will be consolidated and the

Specify day and date for each of the meetings.

The administration department is in charge of deposits,

registrations, previous appointments and justifications for lack of attendance; So

as well as certifications.

II-Virtual classes:

Virtual classes will generate an access link; which will be sent, via e-mail,

five minutes before the scheduled time.

Before each meeting, you will also receive the respective material in your e-mail.

In the first ten minutes, the instructors will register attendance and the

class. The class will not be suspended for lack of attendance out of respect for them

instructors and other colleagues.

If it is a personalized class, the instructors will wait the ten minutes

Courtesy. After that time, if the student does not attend, the meeting will be

will terminate.

In case of not being able to attend, you must notify as soon as possible or at least 72 hours

before. The class will not be postponed; but the instructors will send you everything

need for optimal development. In addition, you will have available the support of l@s

intructor@s, via WhatsApp, to clarify possible doubts or concerns.

Within the class it is necessary to keep the camera on and the microphone

off. In the event of any concern, question or testimony, a hand will be raised

with the icons arranged on the virtual platform.

It is not allowed to eat, lie down or neglect the presence (pyjamas...).

The treatment should always be respectful, good tone and kindness. That's why in the chats

capital letters should not be used; since they are synonymous with screaming.

We must not forget the magic formulas that involve greeting, farewell,

"forplease” and “thank you”.

The material of the School is absolutely private. It's not allowed

Share it, in whole or in part, with other people. It is necessary to respect the

work and energy of the instructors and the school material. The fact of

Skipping this rule implies direct withdrawal from the School. Remember the law of

Karma, everything is action and reaction.


All the courses, trainings and activities have a stipulated time of

performance. If the training has weekly classes with instructors, you will be given aadditional time of one quarter, from the date of termination. past that

time, to reschedule a weekly appointment with the instructors, the students

they will have to pay 25 dollars for each meeting.

However, if the training is completely virtual, the person will have access to the

material for one year, without additional costs.

Holistic therapy appointments will be valid for three months. After three months, if you did not attend your appointment, the meeting and your subscription will lose effect, making it necessary to request a new appointment and a new deposit.


From the Virtual School, two types of certifications are issued:

1-Certification of attendance: In order to receive this certification, you must have

attended at least 80% of the classes, have justified 20% and have completed

all the dynamics and proposed activities.

2-Facilitator Certificate: In this case, in addition to the aforementioned,

A final presentation will be required where the appropriate process of


Students have the right to a second presentation, coordinated

with the instructors. In case of non-attendance or not being approved, the students

must make a deposit of 30% of the value of the course, to have access to a

last and third chance.


Escuela Premadham Premacultura offers, within its sustainable economy and

sustainable, a system of reciprocity in the form of a bonus or commission


If a student refers another person who consolidates the enrollment, the School

Premadham Premacultura will reward you with 10% of the value of the activity

enrolled, for a next course or level.

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