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Kundeśvarī devī dāsī

Academic Coordinator and Facilitator

Getting to obtain the certificate of the Environmental Clinic with the comprehensive, community, alternative reparation system (RICA) at level 6. In his walk, seeking personal coherence between knowledge, skills and practices that allow building an ethic of equity, solidarity, care and protection came to the path of yoga, which transits in happiness. BecameGuardian de  Seeds and protector of Ancestral Wisdom. Later, he wrote a book, fruit of the experiences,titled: "Premaculture: a transition from Permaculture". Through the need to reconnect with the Sacred Feminine, she carried out numerous investigations while carrying out personal interior work. collaborated as a teacherresearcher at the University of Ancestral Wisdom until 2019. Currently, she lives on the Pacific coast of Ecuador (Mompiche, Esmeraldas) where she has been managing the Premadhāma Virtual School since 2017 as academic coordinator and facilitator; focused, from Yoga, in the different areas of Premaculture through the living laboratory, the awakening of consciousness and the Sacred Feminine.

Valle's great-granddaughter. Granddaughter of Emilia and Francisca. Daughter of Maria. Mother of Triana, Angela and Amanda. Kundesvarī Dd made contact with the South of  America  due to his Philology studies. However, she returned to Europe concerned about  the loss of identity and biodiversity in one of the most generous continentsof the entire planet. After consolidating his studies in Permaculture, with Sepp Holzer, at the Krameterhof (Salzburg. Austria) since 2010, he dedicated himself to advising and creating sustainable and sustainable projects in different partsof Europe. Thus, three years later it began to be a producer of organic food in the North of Spain. During During his stay in Austria he created the Salva Semilla Project, promoting the principles of Permaculture. After settling in Ecuador, he managed the El Trianam Farm, in Mera (Ecuadorian Amazon), where different projects were carried out  based on Permaculture, 

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